Wednesday, September 16, 2009


so I basically started this blog for no reason.. but I didn't intend to continue writing it. I have a terrible habit of not finishing things I start; well at least journals anyways.

Pharmacy School is crazy. I sometimes find my mind going to the thought, why did i want to do this in the first place. I don't really have much motivation to study due to being sick. I have my gallbladder out tomorrow.. I am sort of nervous but not really, I am not really scared of needles it's the feeling of being put under that bothers me... Not exactly sure why but it isn't pleasant.

So I haven't really read anything interesting in the news lately, I haven't even read the news lately. I have been reading Pathophysiology or Drug Action or even Biochemistry mostly nothing super interesting. I bought TONS of books this summer to not even be able to read them. I became very interested in the author Christopher Moores. He's very funny, he has my sense of humor so I enjoy them very much. Check them out if you have a sarcastic weird sense of humor.

Well I am finished with my break inbetween class so I must be leaving.


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