Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pharmacy School


Pharmacy School is kicking my ass; hardcore. I am always studying or reading but i'm being informed that it is all worth it in the end. I hope so or there will be hell to pay for my lack of a life.

I also had my gallbladder out. The surgery wasn't so bad it was Laparoscopic.

(the link shows what both surgeries look like but mine was so easier) :)

I am currently watching the Biggest Loser. It should be on earlier in the day..because i always feel motivated to work out but then i realize it is 10 pm and i should be getting sleep because that is essential as well.

Well I am done today..

nothing more :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


so I basically started this blog for no reason.. but I didn't intend to continue writing it. I have a terrible habit of not finishing things I start; well at least journals anyways.

Pharmacy School is crazy. I sometimes find my mind going to the thought, why did i want to do this in the first place. I don't really have much motivation to study due to being sick. I have my gallbladder out tomorrow.. I am sort of nervous but not really, I am not really scared of needles it's the feeling of being put under that bothers me... Not exactly sure why but it isn't pleasant.

So I haven't really read anything interesting in the news lately, I haven't even read the news lately. I have been reading Pathophysiology or Drug Action or even Biochemistry mostly nothing super interesting. I bought TONS of books this summer to not even be able to read them. I became very interested in the author Christopher Moores. He's very funny, he has my sense of humor so I enjoy them very much. Check them out if you have a sarcastic weird sense of humor.

Well I am finished with my break inbetween class so I must be leaving.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Introduction Blog


Not sure who will ever read my blog but I feel the need to introduce myself, Ashlee here. I am a girl from a small town. I am currently going to Pharmacy School and I figured I needed an outlet so I created a blog and here I am.

So I was reading this news article about how in Pittsburgh there were almost 250 cats seized due to animal cruelty charges against the "owner." Most of these animals were sick or even dying. Who in their right mind takes in TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY CATS. I own only 2 cats and that is enough for me to handle. Lucky that they were found and are being nursed to health and being adopted

other then that I worked today and I believe that everyone in the state was at the grocery store. It was a mad house.

I am going to watch television now and look up the history of Aspirin for class on Monday.

--Ashlee Sierra--
